Specialist Mechanical services Cooling within the West Midlands

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0121 285 4998


Heating and Air conditioning

Mechanical Engineering Specialist

Heating and Air Conditioning Design, Install, Service and Repair for Birmingham & The Midlands Area​
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Heating and Air Conditioning Design, Install, Service and Repair for Birmingham & The Midlands Area

All our Heating and air-conditioning engineers and technicians trained to diagnose and remedy any issues you may have.

We are specialist in the design and install of all types of Heating and Air-conditioning applications from dometic houses and  homes offices to bars, restaurants, offices outlets, shops, hotels, computer rooms, and lots more. 

air condition repair and Service

supply, install, maintenance and repair all makes and model of boilers and air conditioning systems all through the Birmingham and all surrounding areas in the West Midlands. We have engineers assigned to all parts of the West Midlands, making sure we are too far for when you call on us.

Air Conditioning Services Birmingham